Prof. (Dr). Himanshu Joshi
Professor & Head
Ethnopharmacology, Laboratory and animal Science, Alternative to laboratory animals and animal welfare.
Mr. Himanshu Joshi has been working as Professor & HOD, Department of Pharmacy Graphic Era Hill University, Bhimtal Campus, Uttarakhand, India since August 2019. He earned his bachelor’s degree in pharmacy in 2003, post graduate degree in Pharmacology (M. Pharm) in 2006 and doctorate degree in Pharmacy in the year 2012 from Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences (RGUHS) Bangalore, Karnataka. He also earned a Post Graduate Diploma in Intellectual Property Rights (P.G.D.I.P.R) from Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) in collaboration with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Geneva.
He got associated with Society of Toxicology, of India (STOX) India and received certification as the Associate and the fellow of Academy of Sciences for Animal Welfare FASc (AW). Then he moved to Mangalore for his Ph.D and joined NGSMIPS, where he has been since then till July 2019, During that time he focused on ‘Laboratory Animal Sciences’, got associated with various professional organizations i.e Indian Pharmacological Association (IPS), Association of Physiologists and Pharmacologists of India (APPI), International Science Congress Association (ISCA), Society of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (SPER), Laboratory Animal Scientist’s Association (India) and Laboratory Animal science Association of India. He received fellow of International Science Congress Association (FISCA). To update himself in 2013 he completed two weeks International Course on Laboratory Animal Sciences (ICLAS), (based on FELASA category C) Conducted by CSIR-IGIB Delhi in collaboration with Utrecht University, Netherlands and in 2016 underwent one week training programme for CPCSEA nominee, organized by National Institute of Animal Welfare (NIAW), Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of India, Ballabhgarh, Faridabad (Haryana), India.
He is an approved Ph.D guide. He has published over 50 papers in national and international journals, delivered more than twenty invited lectures, Compiled a book on motivation, ‘footprints to success’. He conducted few conferences and training programmes. Two such programmes were financially supported by Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). He is also serving as CPCSEA Government nominee. His area of interest is ‘promotion of outcome based humane research’. He works for creating awareness and implementation of 3R’s, ‘Animal Welfare concepts’, use of tissue materials from slaughterhouse for teaching as an alternative and replacement of the painful procedure based learning with the humane procedures in experimental pharmacology. To do so he authored a book on Experimental Pharmacology entitled ‘An Alternative Approach to Experimental Pharmacology’ and promoting Recreation as 6th R in animal welfare.
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0016-8420
Vidwan ID: 487376
Scopus ID: 57198162200